Head of Department Mrs S Aujla, M.A.,B.Sc.
It has been a very busy year for the Computing and ICT Department. During the year around 50 pupils studied towards the GCSE course in Computer Science in Year 11, and a similar number in Year 10. In addition to this, we have also offered IT to Year 10. At A level over 20 students complete the OCR GCE in Computer Science. As part of their coursework requirements A level students developed complex systems that solve real life problems, the quality of the projects was noted by the exam board.
We will continue to provide lunch clubs and after-school clubs to support student, and these are always well attended. The lunch clubs enable all students to have computer access and support from a specialist Computer Science teacher. The Computer Science after-school club focus is on developing an understanding of algorithms for structured programming and the ICT club focuses on practical tasks such as developing websites.
In trying to support students becoming more self-motivated and autonomous we offer an enrichment programme that encourages students to take part in a wide range of external events and podcasts such as a lecture on John von Neumann, the Reith lectures on Artificial Intelligence, Minecraft Escape Room challenge, 3D animation, Codebar festival, and the Isaac Computing Rewards Programme.
The department worked closely with the Careers department to build links with local employers such as CISCO to enable students to join their training programmes.