Physical Education
The PE Department strives to provide an outstanding quality of teaching and a wide range of learning opportunities for all students. There is a broad and balanced curriculum across all Key Stages. At Key Stage 3 pupils are taught a range of activities that help them to outwit an opponent, explore and communicate ideas, accurately replicate movements and to perform at maximal levels. At Key Stage 4 pupils are given the option to decide which sports that they learn. This has helped to personalise learning and increase enthusiasm and achievement. There is also an opportunity to study sport through GCSE Theory of PE, BTEC Sport and A Level Physical Education.
The Physical Education Department has a wide and varied extra-curricular programme at the school. Pupils are given the opportunity to attend clubs that are organised before school (8-8.30am) during lunch (12.50-1.30pm) and after school (3.20-4.30pm). The department encourage all students to attend clubs regardless of their ability. Extra-curricular clubs are an opportunity for students to enhance their skills in sport in a fun and enjoyable way. It is also a fantastic way for pupils to develop their health and fitness. The department also runs teams in several sports which compete and both a local and county level.
The Heathland School provides outstanding facilities for sport. These include a large Sports Hall which also has an indoor climbing wall. Other indoor facilities include a well-equipped fitness suite, dance studio and gymnastics side hall. The School has an extensive backfield which is used for a variety of sports including Football, Rugby, Rounders and Athletics. Other outdoor facilities include a Full Size Astro Turf Football/Hockey pitch and a newly resurfaced Hard-court area for Tennis/Netball.