Key Stage 3 - Information and Communication Technology and Computing
The Heathland School Programme of Study for ICT and Computing allows students to flourish in both disciplines. Students have access to child-friendly programming software, as well as textual programming (Python). However, more traditional ICT topics, such as database and spreadsheet, and more multi-media-based topics, such as web design or animation, are also covered. Both of these subjects enable students to develop their problems solving skills, as well as their creativity, and allow them use a wide range of software in the process.
It is important to ensure that the students become digitally literate for the modern world and learn to be in control of the digital devices, so they can enhance their lives.
The Key Stage 3 Scheme of Work allows the student to take one of several paths depending on what suits their needs best. We offer Cambridge National IT and GCSE Computer Science.
Year 7
Autumn Term
Spring Term
Summer Term
Considering e-safety and the learning environment lets the students to learn to use technology safely, respectfully, responsibly and securely.
Hardware and software theory enables students to understand the components that make up computer systems, how they communicate with other systems.
Binary and algorithms introduces the student to find out how data are
physically stored on computers.
Written assessment covering e-safety and the learning environment
Programming allows students to create a Pac-Man game using programming structures such as selection and repetition to develop a notion of computational thinking;
Using formulas in spreadsheets gives the students the opportunity to create a simple model for a problem, adapting a model to solve a different problem and being introduced to some of the automated features of spreadsheets.
Introduction to digital images is where the student to find out how data are physically stored on computers;
Project assessment
Digital images and animation gives students the opportunity to explore the history of animation – from hand-drawings to digital media, and then create and evaluate their own animation;
Converging technology looks at the development of technology to allow the student to create, re-use, revise & re-purpose digital artefacts for an audience.
End of year exam covering all topics
Year 8
Autumn Term
Spring Term
Summer Term
Human Computer Interface (HCI) allows the collection & analysis of data for the student to develop their own HCI for a known user;
Operating Systems theory enables students to understand the components that make up computer systems, how they communicate with other systems.
Using HTML & CSS the students create a website to help them understand how www consists of data files displayed as web pages that are created using HTML.
Class test on HTML tags
Creating an animation where the student uses vector tools and comparing different animation techniques;
Networking enables students to understand the components that make up computer systems, how they communicate with other systems.
Project assessment
Introduction to text based programming the students work with operators and data types to create programs that can input, process data & output information;
Creating a movie about identity theft where the student uses sound, video and images, which allows students to undertake a creative project that involves selecting, using and combining multiple applications across a range of devices;
Digitising sound theory is an opportunity for the student to find out how data are physically stored on computers.
End of year exam covering all topics
Year 9
Autumn Term
Spring Term
Summer Term
Programming in Python with flow charts, which allows the student to experience how elements of real life can be represented in programming, use procedures and functions, and test and improve programs. Introducing the concepts of searching and sorting;
Creating a web design to a client brief, so the student can develop solutions for problems that are described by someone else.
Written programming assessment
Using complex formulas in spreadsheets lets the student to create a simple or a detailed model to solve a complex problem;
Data representation & Boolean logic develops a student’s understanding of manipulating binary numbers, digital sound and image files;
Bitmap and vector image theory facilitates the student to find out how data are physically stored on computers;
Using Binary, denary and hexadecimal to carry out simple conversions and additions.
Project assessment
Databases facilitates the creation of (relational) databases and searching of them to produce specific outputs;
Logic Gates and Boolean Logic offering the students practical application of Boolean logic (AND, OR, NOT) through complex queries and the logic gate symbols;
Programming Project/Image Manipulation enables the student set out documentation to evidence a programming project or to create, re-use, revise and re-purpose digital artefacts for an audience with attention to trustworthiness, design and usability.
End of year exam covering all topics