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Sixth Form Applications for September 2025






You can watch the presentation below. If you scroll down you can also view some of students talking about their experiences at The Heathland and watch our Sixth Form promotional video.

In order to find out more about the courses we offer, please click on the ‘Courses’ button and read about the subjects you are interested in studying. You will also see that our subject leaders have produced short videos to tell you a little more about their subject.


Sixth Form Admissions Criteria 2025 - 2026

The school will consider the following factors before deciding to offer a student a place in the Sixth Form:

  • The GCSE grade criteria for the course provided has been met (details are set out on the school website).
  • There are sufficient places available on the proposed course(s) of study.
  • Courses will only be offered subject to demand and staff availability.
  • First priority will be given to students from within the school, pre-16, and then to external applicants subject to availability.
  • PLEASE NOTE: It will not be permitted for students to repeat the same course. We admit students who are currently in Year 11 and are progressing to Year 12.

Criteria for Admission to the Sixth Form

Evidence that the prospective student satisfies the entry requirement for A level courses as indicated below:

  • Core Pathway of 3 A levels: a total point score of at least 36 in the student’s best 8 subjects with at least a grade 5 in Mathematics and English Language. (We will accept students with a grade 4 in English language if they have at least a grade 5 in English literature).
  • Extended Pathway of 4 A Levels: a total point score of at least 56 in the student’s best 8 subjects with at least a grade 5 in Mathematics and English Language. (We will accept students with a grade 4 in English language if they have at least a grade 5 in English literature).
  • GCSE English Language retake is compulsory for those students who do not have a grade 5.

Additional Subject Specific Criteria

A level Art / Photography: GCSE grade 5 in Art / Photography 
A Level English Literature:  GCSE grade 6 in English Literature and a grade 5 for English Language
A level French:    GCSE grade 6 in French
A level Geography:   GCSE grade 5 in Geography
A level History:     GCSE grade 5 in History 
A Level Biology, Chemistry and Physics: 

GCSE grade 6 in the relevant Separate Science or grades 7,6 for Double Combined Science  (A level Physics students must achieve grade 7 in GCSE Mathematics and are strongly advised to study A level Mathematics )

A Level Mathematics:   GCSE grade 7 in Mathematics
A Level Further Mathematics:   GCSE grade 8 in Mathematics
A level Physical Education:  GCSE grade 5 grade in PE
A level Philosophy, Ethics and Religion:    GCSE grade 5 in Religious Studies
A Level Spanish:    GCSE grade 6 in Spanish
EPQ 56 Points 

Progression from Year 12 to Year 13

Students must pass their Year 12 examinations to continue their A level courses into Year 13. If students attain a U grade in their examinations in December,  they will have another opportunity with the second set of examinations in March and one final opportunity to re-sit in June. If they are still unsuccessful they will not be able to continue with that subject(s).

Why choose the Heathland Sixth Form?

  • Outstanding academic results 
  • Wide choice and combinations of A Level subjects
  • Successful Oxbridge and Medics programmes
  • Enrichment opportunities for ‘Most Able’ students
  • Friendly and supportive environment with a personal tutor
  • Extensive UCAS Programme  led by a dedicated Academic Tutor
  • Full guidance system for careers and Higher Education 
  • Excellent ICT facilities  and independent study area: A-Level students are expected to complete 5 hours independent study per subject each week
  • Fully qualified, experienced, caring and supportive teachers
  • Opportunities for Leadership 
  • Active social, sports and community programme 
  • Students are able to apply for Bursary
  • We do not charge students for text books