The Heathland School is committed to ensuring equality of education and opportunity for staff, pupils and those receiving services from the school irrespective of:-
- Disability
- Ethnicity and race
- Gender
- Gender identity and transgender
- Pregnancy and maternity
- Religion and belief
- Sexual identity and orientation
The achievement of all pupils is monitored and we will use this data to raise standards for all groups of pupils and ensure inclusive teaching. We will aim to provide our pupils with a firm foundation that will enable them to fulfil their potential, regardless of stereotypes. We will seek to eliminate unlawful discrimination against pupils and staff by adhering to our duties as an employer under the legislation. We believe that diversity is a strength which should be respected and celebrated by all those who earn and work at The Heathland School.
Equality Objectives 2020 - 23
Our Equality Objectives reflect the School's priorities and draw upon available data as well as other evidence. Careful analysis is undertaken to ensure that, as a School, we are working to achieve improved outcomes for different groups.
Our Equality Objectives are:
- To continue narrowing the gaps in attainment between boys and girls
- To continue narrowing the gaps in attainment and disadvantaged and non-disadvantaged pupils
- To continue narrowing the gaps in attendance figures between disadvantaged and non-disadvantaged pupils