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Absences and SIMS in Touch


Notes explaining the reason for absence are required at all times.  Attendance certificates are awarded for 100% attendance each term.  All pupils have the minimum target of 96% attendance.

Holidays should not be taken during term time and any holidays taken will be unauthorised. If there is any reason why a pupil will be absent from school for any length of time a letter should be sent to the Deputy Head [Pupil Support] explaining the reason.

For safeguarding purposes our attendance officer may visit pupils at home from the first day of absence, her name is Mrs A. Sheikh.

Medical Absence

‘Schools can only authorise an absence when medical evidence is provided. We do not expect a medical certificate from your GP, however the legal burden lays with the parent to provide: a date stamped appointment card / appointment letter, a label from any prescribed medication for the absence to be authorised’. Education Welfare 2015 London Borough of Hounslow

SIMS in Touch

SIMS in Touch is an automated service that alerts parents and guardians when their child is not present in school and no reason has been provided for the absence. Parents will receive calls or texts to inform them that their child is absent. This system is used to ensure that both the school and parents are aware of their child’s whereabouts.

If a child is late to school and misses morning registration it is essential that they sign in at reception. If they fail to do so then messages can be sent to parents whose children are in fact in school but have not registered. Naturally this can cause stress for parents and can generate time consuming work with students having to be located on site.

If parents receive a message stating their child is not in school they should respond and inform the school why their child isn’t present. Please ensure you inform the school of any changes to your details.